
蓝宝石与红宝石的联系蓝宝石(Sapphire)和红宝石互为姐妹宝石,他们都属于刚玉矿物,是除了钻石以外地球上 最硬的天然矿物,基本化学成份都为氧化铝。除星光效应外,只有半透明或透明且色彩鲜艳的刚玉才能称做宝石。红色并含铬元素的刚玉呈红色调,故被称为红宝石;蓝色的蓝宝石(Sapphire)则是因为含有了微量的钛和铁元素。事实上,除了红色的刚玉宝石,其他所有色调的刚玉在商业上被统称蓝宝石。

High carbon polypropylene gives this woven fabric high tensile strength, excellent UV protection, and mildew resistance .

The fibers are thermally interlocked to provide a smoother, stabilized surface that can withstand constant flexing and stress.

This material does not stretch; instead, it cushions joints while providing a firm and stable surface.

Always returning to its flat position, Trampoline Fabric does not crease or fold and maintains high strength in the toughest environmental conditions.

This fabric is sold by the full roll with partial rolls available.

Trampoline Fabric

Trampoline Fabric, High Carbon Polypropylene Fabric , Trampoline Park Fabric

Ningbo Shuangdun Tarpaulin Trade Co.,Ltd , https://www.sdtarpaulin.com