Summer sexy, not just black lace splicing, and occasionally a small exposure is the sexy king. Summer fashion, either short or thoroughly. Do not know what style you choose in the summer with their match? However, the short section of the exposed umbilical, revealing the exposed navel in the heat summer, much sister favorite.

万泽丰 - WONDERFUL beauty

Lilac sleeveless shirt, Xianglao and clavicle are nowhere to hide, where the upper body T-shirt and skirt convergence, exposing a sexy navel, though not obvious, but this micro-Lu but just right. With a pair of high heels, your figure will be more slender.

夏季穿衣就要短 性感露脐装你敢吗

Lu Na-loaded, but also can be exposed Lu na. This irregular splicing perspective, graceful waist posture, the feeling of micro-transparent is not very tempting? Coupled with a shorts and high heels, this mix can help you bring a lot of go back to the door Oh.

Source: WONDERFUL beauty

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The characteristic of this kind of fabric is "composite", which can make the fabric have the characteristics of a variety of fabrics. The fabric is wide and durable, and generally has a certain elasticity. It can be used not only to make some close fitting clothes, but also for the production of coats and other clothes.

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