How to choose crystal ornaments? (a) to see the choice of materials: the selection of well-made crystal products, should not see the star-shaped, cloud-like and floc-like distribution of gas-liquid inclusions. The texture is pure, smooth, and crystal-clear. If you find that there are different shades and spots, it is a defective product.

(b) to see work: Crystal products processing process is divided into two types, namely, grinding and carving. Such as crystal necklaces, bracelets, earrings and other grinding products; Guanyin statue, pottery and other paintings are carved products. A well-crafted crystal product should be refined, and not only can fully demonstrate the external beauty of the crystal product (styling, style, symmetry, etc.), but also can maximize the excavation of its inner beauty (crystal, smart color).

(C) to see the polishing: the quality of the crystal directly affects the price of crystal products. The crystal must undergo diamond grinding during processing, and the rough production will leave traces of friction on the surface of the crystal. Good crystal products have better natural transparency and luster.

(d) look at the hole: For wearing crystal products (such as necklaces, bracelets, beads), depending on whether the hole is straight, whether the thickness of the hole is symmetrical, with or without small cracks. The wall of the hole must be clear and transparent without "white marks".

(e) look at color: Even in the same type of crystal, its different parts of the texture, color and various styles have their merits. Monochromatic, to uniform color; in the same piece of crystal on the depth, it requires a beautiful tone lines.

(6) Look at coordination: When purchasing crystal jewellery, you should try on it to see its size, elasticity and length. If it is inlaid ornaments, see if it is solid, Zhou Zheng and coordination. It should also pay attention to whether the style and color of the crystal jewelry are in harmony with their body, skin color, face and clothing.

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